CHURCH of GOD eW(J Big Sandy District CHURCH of GOD eW(J Big Sandy District VOLUME III, NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1966 ------~===--=--==~~==~==========~~~~ ~=-=- Seven Men Ordained Seven men were ordained Local Elders at Big Sandy this past Feast of Tabernacles and two others were raised in rank. In a moving ordination ceremony in the Ministerial Dining Room, the following men were ordained: Russell Brown, Minneapolis; Robert Collins, Birmingham; Donald Deakins, Big Sandy; Warren Heaton, Kansas City; Donald Kaiser, Indianapolis; Ray E. Wawak, Little Rock; Gene Scarborough, Danville. Mr. Bob Diek and Mr. Dave Beirer we"e raised to Preaching Elder in addition to the previously men tioned Local Elders. The most familiar to the Big Sandy District of those ordained was Mr. Deakins. He graduated from Ambassador College, Big Sandy, this past year. Before coming to college in the autumn of 1963, he had training in the medical (Continued on Page 8) ~----------~~ Mr. Deakins-Newly Ordained Elder The Huge Canvas Tabernacle Feast of Tabernacles -1966! God's Festivals have a habit of getting better and better as the years go by. And the 1966 Feast of Tabernacles here at Big Sandy was no exception! Everything worked out wonderfully to provide a near-perfect atmosphere for this year's Feast. Big Sandy was especially blessed with Mr. Herbert Armstrong's presence for the entire eight days of the Festival. Many commented how good it was to hear Mr. Armstrong ask in the first sermon, "Brethren, why are we here?" Mr. Armstrong was backed up by Mr. McCullough, Mr. Waterhouse, Mr. Merredith, Dr. Hoeh and numerous Pastors and Preaching Elders who brought stirring messages chock-full of deep spiritual meat. However, everything wasn't always rosy! It looked for a while like the huge tent might succumb to the elements as a monsoon-like downpour spiced with high winds swept the grounds one afternoon. Water poured off the canvas by the barrel. Gusts of wind lashed at the tent flaps. Tent crews raced around lowering the side flaps and (Continued on Page 4) EDITOR Benjamin R. Chapman STAFF SECRETARY Lydia Cooper CIRCULATION MANAGER Jesse Bail' PHOTOGRAPHER Sam Duncan AREA CORRESPONDENTS Houston John Ledbetter Odessa-Amarillo Edward Smith Dallas Wesley Winant Little Rock-Ft. Smith IvaI' Mattson Okla. City-Tulsa Richard Prince San Antonio- Corpus Christi William Seelig Shreveport Leroy Neff Ft. Worth Alton Head The Big Sandy Edition of the Church of Goll Xews is published I and sponsored by the Spokesman Clubs and affiliated members of the above-mentioned Churches of God. Circulation 2400. © 1966 by Radio Church 01 God. ~~~&5 Midsummer Social For l)klahoma City The midsummer social held in Oklahoma City on August 20 might well have been mistaken for a stage production of "Midsummer Night's Dream" because of the wide variety of entertainment provided for all ages. Receiving special attention at this gathering were the small ones, who were well pleased wi th the Walt Disney movie, "Thunderhead." The crunch and aroma of pop-corn provided a genuine movie theatre atmos (Continued on Page 7) Walter Stein and Daughter Vicki Page 2 Eddorial How Well Do YOU Respond? by Richard Ames When you hear a cry for help--do you answer? How do you respond to requests, directions, and instructions? Quickly, obediently, and wholeheartedly? Last March in southwest Chicago shortly before 9:00 p.m., an elderly widow was about to enter her apartment. As she glanced at the lighted window of her neighbors, she was shocked to see a masked man in the apartment quickly jerk down the window shade. The widow composcd herself enough to telephone the rccently inaugurated Operation Crime Stop. The police dispatcher quickly notified several patrol cars. WITHIN 40 SECONDS after the phone call, two policemen were at the apartment. Two robbers were apprehended, and the captive family and its guests were released less than five minutes after the widow's call for help! In another exciting incident, Judge Butler quickly directed his daughter to phone Operation Crime Stop while he rushed out of his home to aid a woman being attacked by a man. WITHIN 30 SECONDS SEVEN POLICE CARS converged on the scene to prevent the attacker's escape, Judge Butler later reported! How were these people in dire trouble aided so successfully? Notice that the patrol cars in that particular district responded to directions quickly and with total effort! The men listened attentively to the vital details of information given by the Dispatcher! Are you as responsive? You have many opportunities to answer the needs of others. Take a test. HOW WELL DO YOU RESPOND WHEN: 1. You are asked to pray for certain situations in God's Work, such as the need for powerful radio stations to broadcast the World T omorrow? Millions need to be warned of the future. Millions need help from the right knowledge that produces happy, abundant lives. 2. A Co-Worker Letter asks you to pray that more co-workers be added to God's Work? Did you and are you reacting WHOLEheartedly? 3. God's minister asks you to pray for someone who is sick? Does that call for help go over your head or do you listen attentively and act accordingly? 4. You are given a simple request, such as passing songbooks to the aisle after services? Are you faithful in little responsibilities? W e are the Body of Christ and members in particular (I Cor. 12:27). Are you as a member of that body responding to the Head so that the Body (the Church) can move forward quickly and not be hindered by your lack of willingness? How incongruous it would be if the legs of a track star disobeyed the head and started running in the opposite direction. How fast would the body move ahead if the legs didn't respond to the command to move? Let's all do our part and be very responsive. Have ears to hear! LISTEN to the requests, directions and instructions of Jesus Christ! Listen to the call for help! God has given us a responsibility so much greater than Operation Crime Stop-to warn the nations, to have a part in saving the world, and to serve our brethren. Answer willingly. obediently, quickly, and wholeheartedly! Be a RESPONSIVE MEMBfR of the Body of Christ! Little Rock's Youngest Slugger "Gets One" Off the Devastating Memphis Pitcher. Mr. McNair Women and Children Watch Little Rock and Memphis "Battle It Out"! Little Rock Admits DEFEAT! In a non-conference battle, the little Rock softball champs yielded a point or two (?) to their outnumbered and better prepared Memphis rivaL The double header took place on the sunlit diamond of the park east of Brinkley, Arkansas-halfway point for the two congregations. The heated battle cooled wi th an ice cream freezing contest later in the day. Several brought the "mixin's" and oth ers brought their icc cream freezers. With the addition of ice, salt and muscle, it was but a little while and the two congregations were soothed with the refreshing flavors of this super-cool nessert. Little Rock returned home determined not to let this upset their winning streak. They'd practice-that's what! And they have and they are. Care to go a few innings with us, Memphis??? Kellys Visit Little Rock Summer time is vIsltmg time. And the Little Rock church has had numerous visitors! Mr. Ron Kelly, Assistant District Superintendent, and his family visited the Little Rock-Fort Smith churches on the weekend of August 19. Mr. Kelly directed the Bible study and gave the congregation a first hand picture of the Work of Godworld- wide. And then he went into world news as it applied to events prophesied. The following day he gave the main sermon, opening with a description of the Church of Thyatira which had no printed Bible for the home and often had to memorize large segments of the Scriptures. Then he gave the congregation a test! How long did we study? How long did we pray? When was the last time we'd read through the entire Bible-IF EVER?? We are all grateful for his visit and do wish he'd come back real soon! Most of the brethren got a chance to renew their acquaintances with Mrs. Kelly and see their two daughters and their youngest, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Family Dallas Baptisms On Sunday morning, September 18, 1966, at the Oak Cliff Y.M.C.A., the membership of the Dallas Church increased as Mr. Ken Martin baptized 17 people. Page 3 Feast of Tabernacles -1966 (Continued from Page 1) securing ropes. The huge canvas monster managed to weather the storm with only minor damage. A small tear on the north end of the west side was the only noticeable damage. But overall, the weather was perfect. The majority of the time, temperatures ranged from brisk to pleasantly warm. A smattering of rain provided a few trials for tent-dwclers but again no real problems. Brethren from all over exuberantly participated in all types of activities ranging from basketball and softball events to eligibles picnics and ice cream parties. But there had to come an end to the festivities and 8,000 campers broke camp while thousands more packed-up at motels for the long journies home. Throngs leave the lent after morning service ~ '. Services Are Over! The Exodus. Ambassador students provided numerous services for the people attending the Feast. Here one of the freshmen grinds a block of ice for another customer. Page 4 ~rvic" and head for their "smaller" tents for lunch. Corpus Christi Brethren Visit Lake Park The beautiful tree-shaded area of Lake Corpus Christi State Park was the site of merriment, fellowship, and rewarding experiences for the Corpus Christi Church on August 21. An allday picnic was enjoyed by 106, a nearrecord attendance. Swimming and water activities were the main attractions for the younger set and the young in heart. After developing hearty appetites, all shared the delicious covered-dish meal. Then came enthusiastic sounds from the volleyball court indicating that an - energetic minority was taking advan tage of every opportunity for fellowship and activity. All who attended were grateful for the fellowship. protection and blessings of enjoying a more wholesome and balanced life God's way. Another Church For Houston It's a time of special thanksgiving for Houston church brethren. A second church is being raised up in this metropolitan area! Attendance at regular Sabbath services has consistently topped the 600 mark and the need to expand to two separate meeting places has been resolved. The new Houston Church will meet at 10 o'clock every Sabbath morning, effective November 5. The Houston Homebuilders Association Building at 2710 West Alabama will accommodate approximately 300 Houston members who will form the nucleus of this new church. Mr. Paul Flatt, Preaching Elder, will be the residing minister for both churches and will be assisted in the North Church by Mr. Harold Treybig and in the South Church by Mr. Malcolm Martin, Houston Local Elders. Dr. Charles V. Dorothy will serve as the pastor for both churches. The approximately 300 members who will remain in the South Church will continue to meet at the I.O.O.F. Hall on Park Place Blvd. New service time will be 2 p.m. Bible Study for both Houston Churches will continue to be every Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the Homebuilders Building on West Alabama. Smiths Visit Oklahoma City The Garden Room of the Huckins Hotel in Oklahoma City was filled with enthusiasm as the Oklahoma brethren held a reception for Mr. Edward Smith and family, who were on leave from the churches of Amarillo and Odessa, Texas. Mr. Smith brought a slide projector and many slides of the Pasadena campus and the 1966 graduation exercises. The evening was a blessing to all who were able to attend. It brought us into close contact with God's work in the headquarters area. The next evening the Smiths were present for the Lawton Bible Study. Cavern Tour At 7:45 a.m. on Sunday, August 7, an eager group of West Texans anxiously departed from Odessa for Carlsbad Caverns-l70 miles away! About three hours later, the caravan of six cars reached the caverns and everyone donned sweaters and prepared to descend into the 56° yearround temperature of the caverns. After a brief talk by one of the guides about the facts and history of the caverns, the three-mile, four-hour tour began. Walking two-abreast, the group passed through the Kings Room and the Queens Palace. When the guides turned off the lights, the group saw just how dark the darkness can be! Following lunch in the dining area of the cavern, the tour continued past Mirror Lake and the Bottomless Pit. At the end of the tour, elevators carried everyone the 750 feet to the surface. The group emerged, blinking and tired. After a short drive to the Carlsbad City Park, the group enjoyed a refreshing watermelon feed. Then the weary group began the return trip to their homes-many miles away! Welcome'J Mr. SUlith Even though they were two months late, the Odessa brethren grabbed the first opportunity they got to officially welcome the Edward Smiths to their new church area. August 6 saw everyone bring a potluck dinner. After the meal, Mr. Smith showed a series of slides of the college in Pasadena and the people there, as well as slides of the scenic' areas he and his family visited on their trip from Pasadena to Odessa. Following the slide showing. several of the people performed in a funshov.··. Larry Holbrooks and Terry Dickeson played the piano, Mrs. Holbrooks sang and Mrs. Wakefield gave a discourse in humor on the churches of the world. The Fuesscls and the Hohertzes brought a German folk song in German as a closing performance. Welcome to West Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Page 5 Odessa's Ambassador College Freshmen "Best Wishes, Ambassadors!" With the music of Billy Vaughn filling the air, Odessa's teen-agers filled to capacity the garage of Mr. Edward Smith Saturday night, August 27. The occasion was a party to say FAREWELL to the young men and women who would be leaving the next morning for Ambassador College. Odessa will be well represented in the freshman class by Joe Kirkpatrick, Rodney Kellogg, R. V. Fuessel, Jr., and Gloria Newell. The room was gaily decorated with crepe paper, balloons and a huge sequin- lettered banner saying "FAREWELL, AMBASSADORS." There were dancing and games including a blindfoldfeeding contest in which Joe Kirkpatrick and Karen Fuessel took the top prize. R. G. Havens, Jr., and Loni French displayed their stamina by enduring to the end in the "freeze when the music stops" contest. Needless to say, dancing brings on an appetite-especially among teenagers. So Mrs. Smith took care of the situation with refreshments of delicious hors d'oeuvres, punch and the feature of the refreshments-a beautiful white cake decorated with red roses and inscribed with, "Best Wishes, Ambassadors." After refreshments, the dancing activities resumed until II p.m., when it was time to call it a day, or should we say, night? But no one really said good-bye because the next morning at 8:45 a crowd went to the Midland Air Terminal where after handsakes and a few tears, the student really departed. Now everyone is looking forward to seeing them again. Feast of Trumpets for Fort Worth.Dallas The spacious ballroom of the Baker Hotel in downtown Dallas was the meeting place as the Fort Worth and Dallas churches joined to keep the Feast of Trumpets. Over 750 people were present to partake of the meat loaf and trimmings while Spokesman Club members served light and dark wines. In the morning sermonette, Mr. Walker pointed out how we can eseape the things to come and be worthy to live to see the return of Christ. In the sermon Mr. Ames told us what we are Page 6 to be doing in the end times. He said it was paradoxical that two U. S. astronauts were returning from space on the day which pictures the return of Christ. He illustrated the sequence of events preceding Christ's return. After the noon meal Mr. Ken Martin admonished us to be as soldiers and put on the whole armor of God. In the sermon Mr. Chapman asked, "What Did The Holy Days Mean to Christ?" What this day pictures is the restitution of all things. Houston's Clubs Resume Meetings A combined after-dinner meeting of the two Houston Spokcsman Clubs was held Wednesday night, October 26, at the LaPorte Road YMCA. This session marked the first Spokesman activity since the summer recess. New Officers for the clubs are: North Club President, John Ledbetter; Vice-President, Cleve Nickerson; Secretary, Jim Ballew; Treasurer, Elvis Moore; Sgt.-at-Arms, Don Davis. South Club President, James Beymer; VicePresident, Tom Ferrell; Secretary, James Marion; Treasurer, Charles Stephens; Sgt.-at-Arms, George Kinney. Mr. Paul Flatt is Club Director for the North Club and Mr. Malcolm Martin serves as Director for the South Club. Mr. Harold Treybig is assistant director for both clubs. San Antonio MotherDaughter Picnic The many Father-Son get-togethers in the San Antonio Church area inspired the inevitable -a MotherDaughter picnic. On Sunday, July 31, such an event did occur-and what an event! Thirteen mothers, guests, and fourteen teenage daughters arrived at Breckenridge Park for a day of fun and food . Two deacons, Mr. Michael Jennings and Mr. Bill Seelig, who accompanied the group for the express purpose of providing PROTECTION, were forced to accept their wages in fried chicken, potato salad, and all the delicious desserts that make a picnic a picnic. After the noon meal most of the mothers and daughters "forsook" the safety of the napping "protectors" and went on a three-hour tour of the nearby zoo. The seals, the chimpanzees, the Shetland ponies, and the elephants all performed delightfully for the group. Highlight of the tour was the elephant ride which several daughters took. Not to be outdone, four of the more brave and death-defying adults (Continued on Page 8) n "Anyone for Seconds on the Punch?" Midsummer Social (Continued from Page 2) phere. While the children watched the movie the "middle-aged" group (16-60) enjoyed dancing to a wide assortment of stereo records. The movie intermission (for cookies Okla. Clubs Get Started As the long, hot summer came to an end, Oklahoma City Spokesman Club members were as eager as young broncos at a rodeo to get started in the fall session. This meeting marked a first for the club. Most of the members who had already given twelve speeches were graduated. Many of the graduates were charter members of the club when it was started by Mr. David Antion in 1961. At that first meeting Mr. Edward Smith, who has since been ordained a Preaching Elder, was appointed club president. The intervening five years have brought many ups and downs, thrills and chills to this group of men who have been given such a wonderful opportunity in learning to become spokesmen for Jesus Christ. As this first meeting of the fall session was called to order by Mr. Richard Prince, there existed an air of pressurized excitement that burst forth in enthusiasm as the moment approached for the announcement of new mem and punch) allowed time to demonstrate the abilities of the local talent. Ardith Enos and Charles Pope presented a comedy piano duet. Walter Stein and daughter, Vicki, did a vocal duet, Jackie Nord sang "Summertime" and Marilyn Reynolds and Jodie Bennett sang "Live, Live, Live." bers, departing graduates and club officers. The meeting was also livened by a laugh-filled Topics sessions and five interesting speeches. Mr. Jack Williams gave the Most Effective Speech, Mr. Bobby Ozment was the Most Improved Speaker and Mr. Willis Miller was the Most Helpful Evaluator. Mr. Prince then appointed the new Club Officers: President, Mr. Clifford Smith; Vice-President, Mr. Paul Murphy; Secretary, Mr. Walter Gillingham; Treasurer, Mr. John Hull; Arms, Mr. Jack Keller. Then with mixed emotions, thirteen graduated to make room for a like number of new applicants. BAPTISMS August 27 saw four women from the Oklahoma area baptized. They were: Mrs. C. H. Riggs, Anah O'Quinn, Tracilee Rupp, and Mrs. Joseph G. DeHaven. The following persons were baptized in the Odessa area: Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bassinger, Mrs. J. F. Kilough, Mr. and Mrs. Worley, Mr. George Leach, Mrs. R. G. Havens, Mr. Ernest Hawthorne, and from Amarillo, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Boyce. A Serious Look at ... Rights us. Priuileges The United States Constitution gives each of its citizens certain "unalienable rights" that cannot be taken away-or CAN they??? We see around us everyday the tightening of government rules and regulations that limit these "rights." Creeping socialism, as it has been called, is slowly eating its cancerous way into our cherished way of life. God also has a constitution. His laws and by-laws were in force long before man existed. These laws are demanding and unbreakable. God allows man to have no "rights," although he has allowed man to be a free moral agent. God allows man to have no "rights," but he does give us all certain privileges that are self-sustaining, life-giving, never-ending results of obedience to His laws, commandments, judgments and statutes. The more we place ourselves under the laws of God and allow Him to rule our lives, the more PRIVILEGES we have. The Apostle Paul called it the "law of LIBERTY." This is hard for the carnal mind to fathom-having more liberties and privileges the more laws we have and keep. This writer has had it indelibly placed in his mind the past few weeks in sermons, sermonettes and speeches in Spokesman Club that this is true. Every minority group uses it today in a futile attempt to get something that is not rightfully theirs. There are no rights, civil or otherwise. "Civil rights" give a person the "right" to break laws to get what they want; to go around constituted authority for their own "benefit." No one has the right to anything but death. If we got what was rightfully ours, we would all have been killed long ago for disobeying God. The privileges God GIVES us far exceed the "rights" man craves. Let's considcr it a privilege to know God's Truth, to have His Holy Spirit and to know obedience to Him brings limitless blessings. These are the real privileges in life!!! Page 7 Rare Recipe Department Report Ordinations (Continued from Page 1) Light 'n Fluffy Southern Biscllits field. Mr. Deakins spent his first year at the Pasadena college and the following year he and his wife, Sherry, had the privilege of being among the handful of pioneer students transferred to Big Sandy. Mr. Deakins worked for the Visiting Program during his junior and senior years at college and after graduation began visiting full-time in the area. ~lothers-Daughters (Col1tinued from Page 6) climbed into the elephant scat, waved farewell to the cheering crowd, and bumped, bounced, lurched and groaned around the Iilypond and back to the platform and safety. Certain that none of the animals had been overlooked, everyone returned to the picnic table to make sure that none of the remaining food had been overlooked before departing for home with memories of a joyous experience. ODESSA SOCIAL August 13 and 14, 1966-What a jam packed and memorable two days these turned out to be for the Amarillo church. Mr. Smith, minister over the two churches, switched services-morning services for Odessa and afternoon services for Amarillo. This permitted most to stay over after services for a church social Saturday night-the first for Mr. Smith in the Amarillo area. Some of the brethren came as far as 150 miles for services and the following activities. With a record attendance for services, this made for even more joy and excitement, especially for those who live in the outlying areas. Many were able to see their fellow-brethren only briefly on the Sabbath. Each family brought a sack lunch which most shared with the others around them. Anyone who failed to bring enough or who hadn't known to bring food ended up with more than enough to eat. After the evening meal Mr. Smith showed the congregation slides of different events he'd photo graphed down through the years in re lation to the church. Page 8 "Ah shore miss mah light and fluffy biscuits and gravy for breakfast," mourns many a southerner when he discovers his eating habits are in for a drastic change. And it's not as simple as changing from white flour to whole wheat. Whole wheat biscuits usually are received by a " ah don' like 'em but I'll eatem." Don't give up! Your cause is not HOPELESS! There are some who have been resourceful- gotten the light and fl uffy biscuits out of whole wheat!! These, of course, arc not those who cursed their fate. They did something about it. And you can, TOO! Give this recipe a try .... ANGEL FLAKE BISCUITS Dissolve I pak dry yeast in 5 tablespoons luke warm water Sift together: 5 cups flour 5 teaspoons baking power 112 teaspoon soda 1112 teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons sugar Add: 3f4 cup shortening 2 cups buttermilk (room temperature) Mix together and use immediately or store in refrigerator for a week or longer. "Brang on them biscuits, Ma, I'm hongaryer 'an a bear!"